Anne Scott Dip. Sport Sc. Dip. Chakra-puncture
"My chronic fatigue started getting much better after your treatment and the early nights and the other advice you gave me seems to work."
Josefine, Auckland
Gentle, but powerful, hands-on healing including:
Energetic facial release (gentle face massage to support you to release emotions that are held deeply in the face, so you look, and feel, younger)
Stress release (gentle back massage, heart massage and inner eye massage), kidney massage, calf massage, shoulder blade massage
Chakra (energy centre) balancing
Release of trauma and shock
Energetic Endocrine balance
Anne says:
When I had my first Energetic Facial Release as part of a Sacred Esoteric Healing training course I could not only feel a deep connection to my whole being, but I could feel things shifting in my whole body, even though my practitioner was only touching my face. At the end of that course I looked ten years younger! I continue to love having the facial releases, both for how they make me feel (and look), but also for supporting my connection to myself.
I also really love heart massages. They support me to connect to my being, which in turn supports me to connect to other people. I can feel my whole chest and my heart expanding, and this supports me to be more loving with myself and everyone.
If I have a sore back, the back massage makes a big difference - the pain seems to float away. Similarly, with a shoulder blade massage I can feel my whole back expanding as the tension (sometimes pain) in my shoulder area melts away.
The clients I have worked with who have had an illness, accident or shock have told me that the sessions have helped them a lot with their held trauma, tension and fear.
When I receive an endocrine balance my whole body feels deeply released.
What exactly is Esoteric Healing?
Esoteric Healing is a health-care modality that is complementary to medicine. It always works in respect of, and in complement to, any conventional medical treatments that you may require. Sacred Esoteric Healing is based on our ancient and innate wisdom, with a particular focus on the intelligence of the whole body and especially the heart.
The practitioner places her hands on the client's body (fully clothed) in specific patterns, to facilitate healing.
Sacred Esoteric Healing does not offer to ‘cure’ any disease or ill, but offers the client an opportunity to heal the underlying energetic causes of illness and dis-ease, through experiencing a deep connection with, and a deep stillness within, their body which brings an awareness of their condition. This awareness affords the client an opportunity to change their behaviours, attitudes and/or beliefs that may not be supporting them. The practitioner facilitates the client's energetic and emotional healing, but does not do the healing for the client.
Which type of ailments does Esoteric Healing benefit?
Body aches and tension
Nervous tension
Sleeping difficulties and disorders
Low energy
Illness and disease
To recover from an operation, accident or other trauma
Weight gain or weight loss
Chronic fatigue
What can I expect from a typical Esoteric Healing session?
Each consultation is about 60 minutes, with an extra ¼ hour for the initial consultation (to do some paperwork and collect background information). Number of sessions is entirely dependent on the individual.
It is gentle, relaxing (stilling) and deeply rejuvenating.
Individual sessions: $75 per session
Energetic Facial Release (half an hour): $40
Inquire about a 6 week programme: $375 (Total value $450)
"Feeling so much better about myself now. Needed to be told. You made that profound difference. Am much calmer and not buying into anyone else’s pain but keeping my distance now. Thank you for your wisdom – a huge weight is now lifting from both of us. Changes are being made."
Marie, Australia
Anne Scott is a member of the Esoteric Practitioners Association, a highly professional and ethical accrediting body. As such, she 'walks her talk' and 'talks her walk'. A fundamental principle of the EPA is that caring for yourself as a practitioner of healing therapies is crucial to being able to provide quality care to others. Read More about the EPA.